Work History
International Scientific Meetings
Book Chapters
Academic Administration Positions
Lectures and Courses
Hasan Sencer PEKER

Hasan Sencer PEKER

Associate Professor


Academic professional with extensive expertise in higher education, specializing in developing innovative teaching methods and conducting groundbreaking research. Renowned for fostering collaborative learning environment and consistently achieving positive educational outcomes. Proven ability to adapt to evolving academic needs and effectively guide teams towards shared goals.

Thorough team contributor with strong organizational capabilities. Experienced in handling numerous projects at once while ensuring accuracy. Effective at prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Associate Professor of Economics

Turkish National Police Academy
Ankara, Türkiye
12.2022 - Current
  • Kept abreast of advances in pedagogy and work to continuously improve teaching methods and introduce new approaches to instruction.
  • Developed students'' critical thinking skills through interactive classroom activities and discussions.
  • Mentored students and advised on career paths, degree requirements and post-graduate education options.
  • Integrated real-world examples into lessons, making course content more relevant and engaging for students.

Assistant Professor of Economics

Turkish National Police Academy
12.2017 - 12.2022
  • Evaluated and assessed student performance through exams, essays, and class participation to provide constructive feedback for growth.
  • Developed new course materials to ensure content remained relevant to current economic trends and issues.
  • Organized guest lectures featuring renowned economists, enriching the learning experience for both students and faculty.


Gazi University
Ankara, Türkiye
12.2011 - 12.2017
  • Evaluated student progress through regular assessments, providing detailed feedback for improvement and growth.
  • Created and designed quizzes, tests and projects to assess student knowledge.
  • Developed strong relationships with colleagues, collaborating on curriculum development and sharing best practices in teaching strategies.
  • Developed and implemented innovative teaching strategies to engage students in lectures and coursework.
  • Increased student interest by incorporating real-world examples into lessons and connecting material to relevant experiences.
  • Managed large class sizes effectively, maintaining an orderly learning environment conducive to student success.
  • Collaborated with faculty and staff to create meaningful learning experiences.
  • Mentored and advised students to explore career pathways based and amplify knowledge, skills and strengths.

Deputy General Manager and Academic Adivsor

Firmanet Software
Ankara, Ankara
10.2021 - Current
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining focus on meeting key milestones.
  • Developed and executed annual business plans, resulting in consistent revenue growth.
  • Participated in planning process to achieve corporate objectives.
  • Fostered and promoted cooperative and harmonious working climate conducive to maximum employee morale, productivity, and effectiveness.


Solimpeks Energy Corp
Konya, Türkiye
12.2013 - 06.2020
  • Enhanced team collaboration by providing clear communication of complex findings through visualizations and reports.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify opportunities for process improvement and increased efficiency.
  • Improved internal knowledge sharing by developing comprehensive documentation outlining standard operating procedures for various tasks.
  • Increased efficiency by streamlining data analysis processes and implementing automation tools.
  • Streamlined reporting procedures by creating user-friendly dashboards for easy access to key performance indicators.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction rates through detailed analysis of customer feedback data and subsequent improvements in service offerings.
  • Implemented predictive analytics techniques that enabled proactive adjustments to business strategies based on emerging trends.

Key Account Sales Manager

Solimpeks Energy Corp.
Konya, Türkiye
02.2007 - 12.2011


Ph.D. - Economics

Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
09.2009 - 06.2015

MBA - Economics

Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
09.2006 - 06.2009

BBA - Business Administration

Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
09.2001 - 06.2005


Academic Skills


Local Feasibility Study for Development Agency: Specialized industrial zone option for solar power plant investments in Turkey: A pioneering initiative in Konya (2009)

Local Feasibility Study for Development Agency: Specialized industrial zone option for solar power plant investments in Turkey: Aksaray Province (2014)

Local Feasibility Study for Development Agency: Specialized industrial zone option for solar power plant investments in Turkey: Van Province (2015)

Improving Production Quality and Preventing Operator Errors by Performing Electroluminescence (EL) Testing with Machine Learning in Photovoltaic (PV) Production (2025- )

Firmanet Web Based ERP Project (2021-2024)


Peker, H. S., & Arslanoğlu, H. (2019). Possible effects of Industry 4.0 on energy security. Journal of Security Studies, 20(2), 121–133.

Yılmaz, M. L., & Peker, H. S. (2017). Understanding the conflicts in the Middle East through petroleum and natural gas reserves. Academic Middle East Journal, 12(1), 97–118.

Peker, H. S. (2015). Turkey’s energy supply security and its measurement: A case study on Turkey’s energy supply security index. Cankiri Karatekin University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 5(2), 763–784.

Peker, H. S. (2015). Mercantilist practices in Europe and a comparison with the Ottoman economy. Cankiri Karatekin University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 5(1), 1–12.

Yılmaz, M. L., & Peker, H. S. (2013). A possible threat within the axis of the economic and political significance of water resources for Turkey: Water wars. Cankiri Karatekin University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 3(1), 57–74.

Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2011). Carbon trading in terms of internalizing negative externalities. Gümüşhane University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (Electronic), 2(4), 65–76.

Peker, H. S. (2011). Evaluation of inflation and inflation targeting practices in Turkey. Selçuk University Journal of Social and Economic Research, 16(22), 487–506.

Peker, H. S., Öztürk, O. K., & Şensoy, Y. (2019). Turkey’s energy security in the Eastern Mediterranean in the context of maritime jurisdiction areas and energy resources. Journal of Security Sciences, 8(1), 85–106.

Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2012). The impact of education on economic development. Journal of Sociotechnical Social and Technical Research, (4), 1–13.

Peker, H. S., Altınısık, İ., & Karakoç, R. (2012). The impact of the 2008 global financial crisis on the renewable energy sector in the European Union. Gümüşhane University Journal of Social Sciences (Electronic), 3(5), 145–158.

Peker, H. S., Altınısık, İ., & Çakmak, Y. (2011). Economic freedoms and welfare. Selçuk University Kadınhanı Faik İçil Vocational School Journal of Social and Technical Research, 1(1), 149–156.

Yılmaz, M. L., & Peker, H. S. (2011). An analysis of the effects of the 2008 global financial crisis on the automotive supply industry in Konya. Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Vocational School, 14(2), 1–12.

Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2010). Regional development agencies, their economic significance, and the situation in the European Union and Turkey. Budget World Journal, (34), 145–156.

İraz, R., Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2010). Incentives for solar energy investments and the current situation in Turkey. Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Vocational School, 13, 69–78.

Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2009). Global public goods and their financing. Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences Vocational School, 12, 323–332.

Altınısık, İ., & Peker, H. S. (2008). Education and income inequality. Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, (15), 101–118.

International Scientific Meetings

Peker, H. S. (2021). Paradigm shift in energy security [Abstract/Oral Presentation]. 1st International Social Sciences Congress, Ufuk University. 

Peker, H. S. (2020). The evolutions of human rights and energy security [Abstract/Oral Presentation]. ICOFINT.

Peker, H. S., Şahin, G., & Yitgin, B. (2015). Turkey's economic progress between 2003 and 2013 and Turkey's position on the energy ladder [Abstract/Oral Presentation]. Anadolu International 34th Conference in Economics.

Peker, H. S., Kara, Y., & Dağ, H. İ. (2012). Specialized industrial zone option for solar power plant investments in Turkey: A pioneering initiative in Konya [Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation]. In Proceedings of the 6th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition (pp. 582–588). 


Peker, H. S. (2020). Fraud from an economic perspective [İktisadi Açıdan Dolandırıcılık] (1st ed.). Polis Akademisi Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-605-7822-49-9. 

Book Chapters

Peker, H. S. (2024). Economic security and sanctions. S. Bayram Ali, Ş. Toktaş, & O. Çifçi (Eds.), New security threats  (1st ed., p. 214). Polis Akademisi Yayınları. ISBN: 978-625-99541-8-9.

Peker, H. S., & Şahin, G. (2022). Energy supply security: Domestic supply security. İ. Kavaz (Ed.), Turkey’s energy: Policies and strategies  (1st ed., p. 350). SETA Kitapları. ISBN: 978-625-7712-57-6.

Peker, H. S. (2022). Fintech and payment systems In V. Ö. Akgün & M. Özmen Diktaş (Eds.), Opening the doors of the digital world  (1st ed., p. 697). Nobel Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-625-427-314-8.

Peker, H. S., & Şahin, G. (2021). Sectoral effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Turkish economy . Ş. Karabulut (Ed.), Theoretical economic, fiscal and financial practices and understandings (1st ed., p. 479). Gazi Kitabevi. ISBN: 9786257358941.

Peker, H. S. (2020). Cyberspace and paradigm shift in security: Cyber warfare  In E. Çıtak & S. Kiraz (Eds.), International security: An agenda analysis from the traditional to the contemporary (1st ed., p. 19). Orion. ISBN: 978-605-9524-896.

Peker, H. S., & Yılmaz, M. L. (2020). Can the Turkic republics of Central Asia use their energy resources as a diplomatic tool? In O. Karaoğlu (Ed.), Analyses of international relations – 2  (1st ed., p. 358). Siyasal Kitabevi. ISBN: 9786057877581.

Peker, H. S. (2019). The economic importance of Eastern Mediterranean natural gas reserves and their potential as a game changer  In M. Tınas & B. Sarı (Eds.), Crises and order from the Eastern Mediterranean to Basra  (1st ed., p. 288). Polis Akademisi Yayınları. ISBN: 978-605-7822-04-8.

Peker, H. S. (2018). The current account deficit of Turkey: Is renewable energy a solution? In A. Yalçın (Ed.), Economic and administrative sciences (1st ed., p. 190). Akademisyen Yayınevi. ISBN: 978-605-258-050-9.

Benli, Y., & Peker, H. S. (2018). Investigating the relationship between electricity consumption, CO2 emissions, and per capita gross domestic product  In A. Yalçın (Ed.), Economics and administrative sciences  (1st ed.). Akademisyen. ISBN: 9786052580745.

Peker, H. S. (2016). Turkey’s energy supply security and renewable energy from an economic perspective  In Y. Kubar (Ed.), Current economic problems  (1st ed., p. 502). Gazi Kitabevi. ISBN: 978-605-344-362-9.

Academic Administration Positions

  • Editor in Chief of Journal of Forensic Sciences and Crime Studies (2 years/volumes and 4 issues)

  • Deputy Director of Graduate School of Security Sciences (1 year)

  • Coordinator of Scientific Research Projects Office (5 years)

Lectures and Courses

Graduate School of Security Sciences

Energy Security (PhD)

Economic Crimes (Md)

Introduction to Economics (Ba)

Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

International Economic Organizations (Department of International Trade)

Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy

Combating Financing Terrorism (Lecturer)

Turkish National Police Academy

Combating Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Workshop (Moderator)

General Directorate of Security

Workshop on Economic Crimes (Moderator)

NATO Center of Excellence

Fighting the Financial Dimensions of Terrorism (Trainee)


Associate Professor of Economics - Turkish National Police Academy
12.2022 - Current
Deputy General Manager and Academic Adivsor - Firmanet Software
10.2021 - Current
Assistant Professor of Economics - Turkish National Police Academy
12.2017 - 12.2022
Analyst - Solimpeks Energy Corp
12.2013 - 06.2020
Lecturer - Gazi University
12.2011 - 12.2017
Selcuk University - Ph.D., Economics
09.2009 - 06.2015
Key Account Sales Manager - Solimpeks Energy Corp.
02.2007 - 12.2011
Selcuk University - MBA, Economics
09.2006 - 06.2009
Selcuk University - BBA, Business Administration
09.2001 - 06.2005
Hasan Sencer PEKERAssociate Professor