Having started a career in the pharmaceutical industry almost 3 years ago after a period of working as a medical doctor both for the Ministry of Health as well as the Military Forces I have realized that the pharmaceutical sector peeked my enthusiasm and became the career I wish to further pursue in terms of new challenges and career opportunities. I believe I am well-versed in my profession by now and like to take on individual as well as team-oriented challenges. The current job-description involving national and international travel also happens to satisfy my personal interest in being mobile and spontaneous, enabling me to experience my profession as a hobby.
The ability to adapt quickly and enjoy new environments is, I believe one of my strongest vices due to being the son of a diplomat. Therefore, I trust I have developed an insight, in turn rendering a permanent professional career in the pharmaceutical industry not just my comfort zone but the continuation of an already acquired life-style.
· Allergy and Dermatology Rx products (Bilaxten, Zostex and Fastjel).
· Responsible for casualty assessment.
· Responsible for 3 Rx products, one of which has been the market leader in anhtihistamines in Turkiye for the past 3 years (Bilaxten).
Clinical Leadership
Phsychology and psychoanalisis
History of medicine
Jazz and performace arts