As a dynamic and disciplined professional, I have 3 years of experience in ground handling within the aviation industry. I excel in teamwork and adapt easily to shift work schedules. My technical knowledge in aviation, combined with my previous experience in hospitality, allows me to focus on customer satisfaction. I enjoy working and am open to continuous self-improvement. My goal is to provide the best service in the industry and add value to my company through my strong communication skills and attention to detail.
My experience and education in the aviation industry have provided me with the infrastructure required for the position you have opened. I would like to state that I am extremely devoted and enthusiastic about being effective and fast in business life, and that I would like to take on the responsibility required by the position. I am aware that willing, attentive and careful work will definitely result in success.
Passenger Assistance
Customer service focus
Strong teamwork
Technical knowledge
Management systems awareness traınıng
I engage in various activities to make the most of my time. Knitting is a creative hobby that offers me the opportunity to focus and enhance my problem-solving skills. Additionally, playing volleybal is not just a sport for me; it is an experience that reinforces my teamwork and communication abilities. This sport also helps me develop my leadership skills. Furthermore, my regular habit of walking supports both my physical and mental well-being. Spending time in nature reduces stress and contributes to my personal development.
Occupatıonal health and safety basıc traınıng
Dangerous Materials awareness
Management systems awareness traınıng
Ramp safety and apron rules basıc