Adept at trauma management and fostering teamwork, I excelled as an Emergency Medicine Specialist and Military Medical Doctor, where I led critical medical operations and enhanced medical readiness in multinational missions. My expertise in combat casualty care, disaster response, and field hospital coordination significantly contributed to operational excellence and emergency medical advancements in both military and civilian settings.
Emergency medicine professional with extensive hands-on experience in high-risk environments, including NATO exercises, humanitarian deployments, and frontline medical operations. Adept at handling high-pressure situations with precision, ensuring optimal patient outcomes through rapid triage, advanced life support, and tactical medical interventions. A proven leader in crisis response, I thrive in multinational and interdisciplinary teams, seamlessly integrating with allied forces and medical professionals. Known for strategic decision-making, adaptability, and medical expertise, I am committed to delivering efficient, life-saving care in the most challenging environments.
Peripheral Intravenous (IV) Cannulation
Intraosseous (IO) Access
Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Placement
Arterial Line Insertion
Endotracheal Intubation (ETI)
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI)
Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM) Ventilation
Thoracostomy (Chest Tube Insertion)
Needle Decompression (Needle Thoracostomy)
Defibrillation & Cardioversion
Transcutaneous Pacing
Wound Debridement & Suturing
Nasogastric (NG) and Orogastric (OG) Tube Insertion
Total Bowel Irrigation (TBI)
Lumbar Puncture (LP)
Activated Charcoal Administration
Antidote Administration
Joint Aspiration & Injection
Fracture Reduction & Splinting
Emergency Birth
Tomography and MRI interpretation
FAST Ultrasound
Provided comprehensive medical support to NATO personnel during a high-intensity joint warfare exercise at the NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway for 2 weeks.
Advanced life support
Airway management
Medical emergency triage
Teamwork and collaboration
Cardiac emergencies
Pediatric emergency care
Critical care medicine
Medical simulation training
Trauma management
Emergency ultrasound
Procedural sedation
Disaster medicine
Family Medicine 1st Stage Compliance-Ministry of Health
Academic Studies
Book Chapter
In 2025, I plan to enhance my professional qualifications by obtaining the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) certification and completing the Generic Instructor Course offered by the European Resuscitation Council.
Additionally, I have received ethics committee approval for a research study on ECG changes in methanol poisoning and diabetic ketoacidosis, which I aim to complete within the year. I am also preparing a case report on the use of drones in rural healthcare, with the goal of publishing it in a peer-reviewed journal.
Furthermore, I have begun contributing to medical literature by authoring a book chapter on emergencies in family medicine and another on activated charcoal and total bowel irrigation.
And Also I plan to start learning French
These endeavors reflect my commitment to continuous learning, research, and advancing emergency medicine.
· Playing guitar
· Swimming
· Playing football and basketball
· Reading
· Hiking
Yücel YÜZBAŞIOĞLU MD, PhD.Professor
Ankara Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine and Deputy General Manager of Public Hospitals
+90 505 536 20 79
Yavuz KATIRCI MD, PhD. Professor
Ankara Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine
+90 505 833 32 88
Ertan COMERTPAY MD, PhD. Associate Professor
Ankara Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine
+90 505 540 59 20
My LinkedIn Account:
Steadfast Duel NATO Exercise Certificate for Appreciation- NATO
26Th Balkan Military Medical Congress Certificate of Attendance, Greece-Balkan Military Medical Committee Congress
Advanced Life Support + Instructor Potential- European Resuscitation Council
ACLS Prep ECG- American Heart Association
ACLS Prep Pharmacology- American Heart Association
European Pediatric Advanced Life Support + Instructor Potential- European Resuscitation Council
Botox, Dermal Fillers, Mesotherapy, and PRP Training-Medest Academy
Energy Security Awareness Course-Turkish PFP Training Center
Civil Military Interaction CIMIC Course- Turkish PFP Training Center
Emergency Ultrasound Course Certificate - Turkish Emergency Medicine Association, October 25-27, 2020
First Aid Instructor Authorization Certificate-Ministry of Health
Family Medicine 1st Stage Compliance-Ministry of Health