Work History
Ece Karaakın

Ece Karaakın



This path, which I dedicate to getting to know myself and touching people's hearts through different experiences and perspectives, is more than just my career path!


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Asisstant in Organization Team

Deltebre Dance Festival
07.2024 - 08.2024
  • The festival, which takes place every year in the Tortosa region of Spain and is directed by Roberto Olivan, hosts guest artists and dancers from all over the world.
  • As part of the organization team at the festival, which took place in 2024 as well as in 2023, I undertook various duties such as the setup of the festival area and the security of guest artists and studios.

Contemporary Dance Teacher

Middle East Technical University
03.2024 - 05.2024
  • I held two open classes and one intermediate level workshop within the scope of METU Contemporary Dance Community where I was invited as a guest instructor.
  • While focusing on the suitability of dance for every body, I also worked on technical awareness such as distortion and animal flow.

Contamporary Dancer

VS Creative
9 2023 - 04.2024
  • "Towards the Republic", choreographed by Özgür Adam İnanc, who is choreographer in Opera and Ballet, was carried out under the Ministry of National Education.
  • The piece, which is about Atatürk, who has an important place in the history of the world and Turkey, was staged with a team of approximately one hundred and fifteen people.
    Among the stages where "Towards the Republic" was performed in sixteen cities in Turkey within the scope of the tour program, there are the following:
  • Istanbul- Zorlu PSM, İzmir- Bozkurt Kuruc State Theater, Gaziantep- Sahinbey Art Center, Adana- State Theater, Erzurum- State Theater etc.

Contemporary Dancer

Net Sanat
10.2023 - 05.2024
  • "Film on the Stage", choreographed by Galip Emre, is a work in which various cult films are staged with the accompaniment of Musa Gocmen Orchestra.
  • This work, which featured choreographies in line with the spirit of movies such as "Joker" and "Godfather", accompanied by live music, was toured in six different cities. Some of the cities visited in the tour program are as follows:
  • Istanbul -AKM, Izmir- Adnan Saygun State Theater, Antalya- State Theater, Ankara- CSO etc.

Assistant in Organization Team

Deltebre Dance Festival
07.2023 - 08.2023
  • The festival, which takes place every year in the Tortosa region of Spain and is directed by Roberto Olivan, hosts guest artists and dancers from all over the world.
  • As part of the organization team at the festival, I undertook various duties such as the setup of the festival area and the security of guest artists and studios.

Contemporary Dancer

Martha Graham Dance Company
06.2022 - 07.2022
  • This piece, choreographed by Martha Graham Dance Company principal dancers Lloyd Knight and Xin Ying, took a month of rehearsal. Turkish dancers were integrated into one of Martha Graham's original works in the performed at Izmir Adnan Saygun Open Air Theater on June 28.


Undergraduate Student - Modern Dance

Ankara University
09.2021 - Current

Erasmus Student - Contemporary Dance

Superior Danza De Alicante
Alicante, Spain
09.2022 - 05.2023

Pre-prefossional Intensive Training Program - Contemporary Dance

Good Project/ Otra Danza Company
04.2001 -

Student And Assistant - Contemporary Dance

Galip Emre Dance Company
08.2019 - Current

Student - Classical Ballet

Tan Sagturk Academy
05.2011 - 05.2017

Bachelor - Korean Literature And Language

Sookmyung Women's University
Seoul, South Korea
08.2019 - 05.2019


  • Choreograph and perform in front of large audiences

  • Understand diverse dance styles

  • Interact with others and build professional relationships

  • Critical thinking and problem solving


Ankara University State Conservatory 

Ankara Dance and Research Culture and Art Student Society

9/2021- Current

  • Membership

Ankara University Social Clubs

Mountaineering Club 

10/2018- Current

  • Assistant manager


Upper intermediate


Human Resources Manager/ Ankara University


Asisstant in Organization Team

Deltebre Dance Festival
07.2024 - 08.2024

Contemporary Dance Teacher

Middle East Technical University
03.2024 - 05.2024

Contemporary Dancer

Net Sanat
10.2023 - 05.2024

Assistant in Organization Team

Deltebre Dance Festival
07.2023 - 08.2023

Erasmus Student - Contemporary Dance

Superior Danza De Alicante
09.2022 - 05.2023

Contemporary Dancer

Martha Graham Dance Company
06.2022 - 07.2022

Undergraduate Student - Modern Dance

Ankara University
09.2021 - Current

Human Resources Manager/ Ankara University


Student And Assistant - Contemporary Dance

Galip Emre Dance Company
08.2019 - Current

Bachelor - Korean Literature And Language

Sookmyung Women's University
08.2019 - 05.2019

Student - Classical Ballet

Tan Sagturk Academy
05.2011 - 05.2017

Pre-prefossional Intensive Training Program - Contemporary Dance

Good Project/ Otra Danza Company
04.2001 -

Contamporary Dancer

VS Creative
9 2023 - 04.2024
Ece KaraakınDancer