Work History
Muhammad Sohail

Muhammad Sohail

Ph.D. Electrical & Electronic Engineering


With over 10 years of academic and research experience, a committed and dynamic specialist in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, adept at research in Electromagnetic, Antennas and Microwaves while also creating a vibrant learning atmosphere and providing high-quality instruction. Demonstrated success in developing curriculum, coaching students, and devoted to expanding the area by scholarly work and cooperative ventures, as well as to bridging the gap between theoretical ideas and real-world implementations.


years of professional experience

Work History

Dr. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Middle East Technical University, N. Cyprus Campus
09.2023 - Current
  • Courses Taught: Introduction to Logic Design and Introduction to Microprocessors.
  • Enhanced classroom collaboration through implementation of group projects and team-building activities.
  • Increased student motivation by developing engaging lesson plans that catered to various learning styles.
  • Evaluated and revised lesson plans and course content to achieve student-centered learning.

Lecturer in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Cyprus West University
02.2022 - 09.2023
  • Courses Taught: Circuit Analysis I & II, Electronics I &II, Electromagnetic I & II, Physics I & II.
  • Graded quizzes, tests, homework, and projects to provide students with timely academic progress information and feedback.
  • Developed and implemented innovative teaching strategies to engage students in lectures and coursework.
  • Evaluated and revised lesson plans and course content to achieve student-centered learning.

Teaching Assistant in Electrical & Electronic Eng.

Eastern Mediterranean University
02.2016 - 02.2022
  • Undergraduate course taught: Introduction to Circuits for Non-Electrical Engineering students.
  • Courses Assisted: Introduction to Logic Design, Electromagnetic I, Electromagnetic II, Antenna Theory, Microwave Theory and Devices.
  • Assisted teachers with classroom management and document coordination to maintain positive learning environment.
  • Tutored struggling students individually and in small groups to reinforce learning concepts.
  • Served as mentor to new teaching assistants, providing guidance on effective strategies for classroom management and instruction.

Administrative Assistant, Alumni Center

Eastern Mediterranean University
10.2014 - 02.2016
  • Promoted positive work environment through effective communication skills and fostering professional relationships among colleagues.
  • Developed comprehensive reports for management by collecting data from various sources, analyzing trends, and presenting actionable insights.
  • Assisted in Graduation Ceremony and Graduation Yearbook.


Ph.D. - Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Eastern Mediterranean University
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus
04.2001 -

Master of Science - Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Eastern Mediterranean University
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus
04.2001 -

Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering

City University of Science & Info. Technology
Peshawar, Pakistan
04.2001 -



1. Prof. Dr. Murat Fahrioğlu, Middle East Technical University, North Cyprus Campus, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus.

+90 533 834 83 79,

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasime Uyguroğlu, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus.

+90 533 853 99 63,

3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abiola Ayopo Abiodun, Cyprus West University, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus.
+90 853 3822 2553,


Dr. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Middle East Technical University, N. Cyprus Campus
09.2023 - Current

Lecturer in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Cyprus West University
02.2022 - 09.2023

Teaching Assistant in Electrical & Electronic Eng.

Eastern Mediterranean University
02.2016 - 02.2022

Administrative Assistant, Alumni Center

Eastern Mediterranean University
10.2014 - 02.2016

Ph.D. - Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Eastern Mediterranean University
04.2001 -

Master of Science - Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Eastern Mediterranean University
04.2001 -

Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering

City University of Science & Info. Technology
04.2001 -
Muhammad SohailPh.D. Electrical & Electronic Engineering